Who can apply for Green Business Certification (GBC)?

Businesses must:

  • Have a commercial business location in the City of Santa Monica* 
  • Occupy a minimum of 500 square feet 
  • Employ minimum of two (2) employees
  • Be in compliance with all local, state, and federal regulations
  • Be in operation for minimum 3 months under one of the following sectors:
    • Office
    • Retail
    • Restaurant
    • Grocer
    • Lodging
    • Arts & Culture Facilities
    • Schools
    • Salons
    • *Home Offices (limited spaces)

How does a business obtain Green Business Certification?

Businesses must sign-up for the program, receive confirmation and instructions on next steps.  Eligible businesses complete the checklist for the corresponding business sector. 

Each sector specific checklist details measures for conserving resources, preventing pollution, reducing carbon emissions, and minimizing waste.  **The City of Santa Monica seeks to assist more diverse businesses.  BIPOC/Hispanic/Latin, LGBTQ, and Certified Minority-owned businesses arestrongly encouraged to apply**

The program administrator, Sustainable Works, schedules onsite (or virtual) visits to guide you on fullfilling the measures, verify the specified measures that are already in place, and provide employee education where needed.  Various resources and tools are provided (where applicable) at low to no cost. Once all of the required and minimal number of optional measures are verified, we issue the city's official green certification.

How long does it take to get through the certification process?

The amount of time for a business to achieve certification varies depending on several factors i.e., how many green practices are already in place, how complex the facility is (e.g., does it include a commercial kitchen or is it more than 20,000 sq ft?), and how committed the business is to making the required changes quickly.  A business that has most of the green measures already in place can usually achieve certification within 2-3 months.  A more complex facility requiring comprehensive changes or fixture upgrades can take up to 6 months.  Our team helps guide you through the entire process!

What is the cost of participating?

Participating in the Santa Monica Green Business Program is a free service to businesses located in cities where funding is subsidized. Sustainable Works normally charges a nominal administration fee however, until June 30, 2026, the fee is waived via a CAGBN grant.  Contact the Green Business Program team by emailing gbp @sustainableworks.org

To view the program fee schedule click here .

How long does a certification last?

Once the businesses pass the onsite verification visit, they are certified for a three year period from the date the certification criteria was achieved and verified by the Program coordinator.

Certified businesses recieve a 3 month notification via email before the expiration date.

How does a business renew certification after three years?

The Green Business Certification checklist for the appropriate sector must be completed again with fulfillling the required core measures and minimal number of optional measures.  A Sustainable Works Program Coordinator must visit the business onsite to verify all the measures are sucesssfully in place before issuing the Certification for another 3 years. 

Can I still apply for Green Business Certification if my business does not fall under one of the sectors listed?

No.  At this time, Green Business Certification is limited to the business sectors listed in Eligibility.  As the GBC program grows, the checklist sectors will expand to include other sectors.  To confirm eligibility, please contact the GBC staff team smgbc @sustainableworks.org